How to play paid games and earn rewards on Tokenplay
Create and connect to MetaMask wallet
- Go to to install MetaMask wallet on your browser
- Create and connect your wallet to Binance Smart Chain. If you have no idea how to, please check out this post.
- Connect your wallet to TokenPlay
- You will need to connect to your MetaMask wallet before playing on TokenPlay. On the top right corner, select “Connect Wallet”.
- A MetaMask pop-up box will appear and ask you to choose a wallet, then confirm the connection. Choose an account with sufficient BNB balance and select “Next”.
Buy ticket and play game
- Once having successfully connected your MetaMask wallet.
- Choose any game you like. Select “Buy Ticket”, choose to buy with $TOP/ BNB.
The 02 numbers showed on the left of each game card are the ticket prices. Each ticket costs either 0.001 $BNB or 30 $TOP
3. A MetaMask transaction window will pop-up. Then select “Confirm” to buy.
You can edit the gas price and the gas limit you are willing to pay for.
4. Click “Play Now” to play the game. Have fun!
TokenPlay Leaderboard
At the end of each day (24:00 GMT+8), rewards in the prize pool will be split among top performers on each game and will be directly distributed to your MetaMask wallet.
You can select the Game and Date to show reward results.
The 02 numbers on the right are the reward prize pool volume in real time!
Good luck and rock on gamers!