Tokenplay built a bridge to convert $TOP from Polygon to Binance Smart Chain and vice versa. When you convert $TOP from Polygon to BSC, the bridge will burn the entire $TOP Polygon and mint the corresponding $TOP BSC. This will ensure that Max supply always equals 1,000,000,000 $TOP in total two platforms Polygon and BSC.
Conversion Fee:
- From Polygon to BSC: 6 Matic
- From BSC to Polygon: 0.01 BNB
To speed up processing on Polygon network, please increase Gas fee to Gwei = 3 or 4.
This article will guide you how to convert $TOP from Polygon to BSC.
Step-by-step details:
STEP 1: Go to
STEP 2: Connect Metamask Wallet
Before you convert $TOP from Polygon to BSC, you must choose Polygon Network in your Metamask wallet.
STEP 3: If you want to convert $TOP from Polygon to Binance Smart Chain, please choose POLYGON NETWORK in the “From” section and choose BINANCE SMART CHAIN NETWORK in the “To” section.
STEP 4: Next, type an amount for $TOP you want to convert. You can click MAX to type all your $TOP.
And then, click “Swap”
STEP 5: A bridge process window will appear. Click “Confirm”
STEP 6: Next, click “Approve”
And then, click “Confirm” on the Metamask pop-up.
You will receive a notification: Approve Tokens Successfully!
STEP 7: Click “Submit” button
And click “Confirm” on the metamask pop-up.
You have successfully converted $TOP from Polygon to Binance smart chain.
Similarly, you can convert $TOP from Binance smart chain to Polygon.